Thursday, July 31, 2008

Stay healthy

Things You’ll Need:
Great Food
Mild Exercise
Recently I set a goal to reduce my body fat percentage from 18 percent to 8 percent. It has been 4 months and I am at 10 percent body. My waist went from 37 inches to 31 1/2 and it is still shrinking. Losing weight is very simple and this article won't be very long due to the simplicity of losing weight. I will share my experiences of what worked for me. If you are ready to drop all the fad diets and change your life continue reading on.
I am going to talk about exercise and food. I will start off with the most important aspect; food. Eating certain foods will help speed up metabolism. The ultimate way to lose weight is to increase your metabolism. So let's talk about how food can do that. Eating 5-6 meals throughout the day instead of 2 or 3 will help speed up metabolism and lead to a healthier style of living. A fast metabolism will cause you to burn more calories than normal while just sitting around watching TV. You don't have to eat less overall, just space every meal out a little bit more. Eat a small meal every 3 hours. Each meal should contain protein from chicken, turkey, lean hamburger, any kind of fish, nuts, and/or fat free milk.
Certain foods will speed up metabolism. Eating 1 ounce of almonds, a tablespoon of peanut butter, a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, 1 cup of spinach, and drinking green tea every single day will speed up your metabolism so much that it will be hard to keep weight on. Adding these foods to your everyday diet is the most important thing you can do.
Here is a sample of my daily food intake:8:00 a.m. One cup of high fiber cereal (Kashi-Go Lean). One cup of fat free milk. 2 egg whites.11:00 a.m. Lean Hamburger on a whole wheat bun with tomato and onions. Glass of water and spinach salad with tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil.2:00 p.m. 1 ounce almonds, 1 banana, green tea.5:00 p.m. 4 ounces of either chicken, fish, or turkey. Steamed broccoli. Baked potato. Either 8 ounces of milk or orange juice.8:oo p.m. Tablespoon of peanut butter. Whole wheat bagel with fat free cream cheese and either 12 ounces of water or glass of wine.Sticking to this meal plan has caused me to drop body fat like crazy and have a ton of energy. Portions for women may be smaller.
Exercise: 3 days a week.Interval training is the best way to speed up your metabolism. Interval training is basically warming up with a light job for 5 minutes then medium pace jog for 2 minutes, sprint for 1 minute, medium pace for 2 minutes, sprint for 1 minute, medium pace of 2 minutes, sprint for 1 minute, and then 4-5 minute slow pace cool down. This process only takes 19-20 minutes and is way more effective than running at the same pace for an hour!A study showed that flat out running 3 times a week for 30 minutes straight with no changes in speed caused no weight loss in the study's participants.Optional: Weight lifting; 2 times a week.For those who really want to be ripped and not just skinny, you can weight lift twice a week. Bench pressing, dumbell curls, push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups are my highly recommended exercises. Natural exercises against your own body weight are the best ways to get super toned up.
The combination of eating healthy and interval training is the best way to get stronger and lose body fat while retaining all of the muscle you have.Just eating like I described earlier is enough to make you lose weight. To really speed up the process incorporate 20 minutes of exercise into your routine only 3 days a week.
I have tried a ton of different diets and this way of eating and exercising has proven first hand to be the most effective and lasting way to lose weight and keep it off.

Improve gas mileage

Drive Sensibly
Aggressive driving (speeding, rapid acceleration and braking) wastes gas. It can lower your gas mileage by 33 percent at highway speeds and by 5 percent around town. Sensible driving is also safer for you and others, so you may save more than gas money.
Fuel Economy Benefit
Equivalent Gasoline Savings

[edit] Observe the Speed Limit
While each vehicle reaches its optimal fuel economy at a different speed (or range of speeds), gas mileage usually decreases rapidly at speeds above 60 mph.
As a rule of thumb, you can assume that each 5 mph you drive over 60 mph is like paying an additional $0.20 per gallon for gas.
Observing the speed limit is also safer.
Fuel Economy Benefit
Equivalent Gasoline Savings

[edit] Remove Excess Weight
Avoid keeping unnecessary items in your vehicle, especially heavy ones. An extra 100 pounds in your vehicle could reduce your MPG by up to 2%. The reduction is based on the percentage of extra weight relative to the vehicle's weight and affects smaller vehicles more than larger ones.
Fuel Economy Benefit
1-2%/100 lbs
Equivalent Gasoline Savings

[edit] Avoid Excessive Idling
Idling gets 0 miles per gallon. Cars with larger engines typically waste more gas at idle than do cars with smaller engines.

[edit] Use Cruise Control
Using cruise control on the highway helps you maintain a constant speed and, in most cases, will save gas.

[edit] Use Overdrive Gears
When you use overdrive gearing, your car's engine speed goes down. This saves gas and reduces engine wear.
Note: Cost savings are based on an assumed fuel price of $2.91/gallon. Keep Your Engine Properly Tuned
Fixing a car that is noticeably out of tune or has failed an emissions test can improve its gas mileage by an average of 4 percent, though results vary based on the kind of repair and how well it is done.
Fixing a serious maintenance problem, such as a faulty oxygen sensor, can improve your mileage by as much as 40 percent.
Fuel Economy Benefit
Equivalent Gasoline Savings

[edit] Check & Replace Air Filters Regularly
Replacing a clogged air filter can improve your car's gas mileage by as much as 10 percent. Your car's air filter keeps impurities from damaging the inside of your engine. Not only will replacing a dirty air filter save gas, it will protect your engine.
Fuel Economy Benefit
up to 10%
Equivalent Gasoline Savings
up to $0.29/gallon

[edit] Keep Tires Properly Inflated
You can improve your gas mileage by around 3.3 percent by keeping your tires inflated to the proper pressure. Under-inflated tires can lower gas mileage by 0.4 percent for every 1 psi drop in pressure of all four tires. Properly inflated tires are safer and last longer.
Fuel Economy Benefit
up to 3%
Equivalent Gasoline Savings
up to $0.09/gallon

[edit] Use the Recommended Grade of Motor Oil
You can improve your gas mileage by 1-2 percent by using the manufacturer's recommended grade of motor oil. For example, using 10W-30 motor oil in an engine designed to use 5W-30 can lower your gas mileage by 1-2 percent. Using 5W-30 in an engine designed for 5W-20 can lower your gas mileage by 1-1.5 percent. Also, look for motor oil that says "Energy Conserving" on the API performance symbol to be sure it contains friction-reducing additives.
Fuel Economy Benefit
Equivalent Gasoline Savings:

[edit] Planning and Combining Trips
Combining errands into one trip saves you time and money. Several short trips taken from a cold start can use twice as much fuel as a longer multipurpose trip covering the same distance when the engine is warm. Trip planning ensures that traveling is done when the engine is warmed-up and efficient.
With a little planning, you can avoid retracing your route and reduce the distance you travel as well. You'll not only save fuel, but also reduce wear and tear on your car.

[edit] Commuting
If you can stagger your work hours to avoid peak rush hours, you'll spend less time sitting in traffic and consume less fuel.
If you own more than one vehicle, drive the one that gets the best gas mileage whenever possible.
Consider telecommuting (working from home) if your employer permits it.
If possible, take advantage of carpools and ride-share programs. You can cut your weekly fuel costs in half and save wear on your car if you take turns driving with other commuters. Many urban areas allow vehicles with multiple passengers to use special High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes.
Consider using public transit if it is available and convenient for you. The American Public Transit Transportation Association has links to information about public transportation in your state.

[edit] Traveling
A roof rack or carrier provides additional cargo space and may allow you to meet your needs with a smaller car. However, a loaded roof rack can decrease your fuel economy by 5 percent. Reduce aerodynamic drag and improve your fuel economy by placing items inside the trunk whenever possible.
Avoid carrying unneeded items, especially heavy ones. An extra 100 lbs in the trunk reduces a typical car's fuel economy by 1-2 percent.


How to save money

Saving Money
Information on how to save money and making the most of it. Learn how to save money even when it seems like there isn't any money left to spare.
An Introduction to Saving MoneyThe ability to save money is the cornerstone of building wealth. In order to save money, you need to spend less than you earn. This is often easier said than done, but there are plenty of ways to help you begin saving money on even the tightest budget.
Examine the Roots of OverspendingTo fight your tendency to spend more money than you should, you need to understand the root causes of overspending.
U.S. Savings Bonds – The Safe Place to Save MoneyIf you're unhappy with your low interest rate on your savings at the bank, you may want to consider U.S. Savings Bonds.
Save Money on Groceries - Grocery Shopping TipsHave you been shocked by your grocery shopping bills recently? You're not alone. Here are some tips that can help you keep your grocery budget under control.
How to Prepare for Falling Interest RatesInterest rates play an important role in not only the economy, but your personal finances as well. As rates begin to fall, what does this mean for you, and how can you plan for lower rates?
The Difference Between APR and APYBoth APR (annual percentage rate) and APY (annual percentage yield) are commonly used to reflect the interest rate paid on something, but what is the difference between the two?
5 Money Saving Tips for SummerYou can save money throughout the year, but the warm temperatures of summer provide a few additional tips that can help you save even more money.
Top 5 Biggest Mistakes When Buying a CarWe often depend on our vehicles to get us to and from work every day, transport children to events, and even for pleasure. When you're looking to buy your next vehicle, make sure to avoid these common mistakes that could cost you thousands of dollars.
Why You Need an Emergency FundIn life you should expect the unexpected. The best you can do is to prepare for emergencies that require access to additional money and having an emergency fund is the ideal solution.
Where to Keep Your SavingsIs your money working for you, or is it sitting idle earning very little interest? Find out where to keep your savings so that it is working as hard as it can.
5 Ways to Save on GasMake no bones about it, gasoline is expensive and it isn’t getting any cheaper,so here are a few basic things you can do that could considerably save money on gas.
Make Saving AutomaticDo you have a savings account yet find it difficult to find money to deposit into it? Find out how to make saving money effortless.
5 Tips to Cut Spending LeaksSometimes it is the little things that add up. Stopping the little spending leaks in your life may amount to significant savings over time.

How to have a better relationship

Expressing gratitude and saying thank you is something that many of us were taught to do from a very early age. Coaxing a toddler, then teenager to say “thank you” is a regularly occurring occasion for most parents. It's the polite thing to do, after all, and shows good manners. Once we're adults, saying “thanks” is often not given much thought if we remember to say it at all. In the day to day of your love relationship, gratitude tends to be completely forgotten except for those special favors we ask of each other. Making a habit of offering heartfelt thanks to the one you love can not only make your partner feel appreciated, it can enhance intimacy and bring your closer together.
As unsexy as “thank you” seems, gratitude can put you and your mate on the path to a more passionate relationship. After all, how many times have you and your partner become so busy with your jobs, the kids, the pets, the house and everything else in life that you pretty much only connect when making love? And that might even be fit in rather hurriedly. How much deeper would your intimate connecting be when it's built on a foundation of regularly expressed gratitude that comes with a sense of presence and from the heart?

Need Money

At some point in our lives, we all reach the point where we say “I need money”. If you’re at that point, here are some ideas on getting the money you need.
Because the web is full of scams and time-wasters, I’ve compiled some of the most common solutions to the timeless “I need money” problem. These should get you pointed in the right direction.
This is a little ditty we call the “I Need Money Blues”.
Verse 1: I Need Money to Avoid ForeclosureBefore you borrow more, know the alternatives. You may be able to participate in a debt workout program with your lender. They prefer to work with you and avoid the foreclosure process as well. See how debt workout programs work.
Verse 2: I Need Money to Buy a CarIf it’s a new set of wheels you’re looking for, you’ll need an auto loan. Be sure to manage your budget here because people tend to get themselves ‘upside-down’ quite easily using auto loans. This means that you owe more than your auto is worth, and it’s hard to get out of this mess.
Verse 3: I Need Money to go to SchoolThis is an easy one. The US government is eager to help you further your education. If they can’t help, banks usually consider education loans to be a pretty good risk. First, try the Free Application for Federal Student Aid and check with your school’s Financial Aid department for additional resources.
Verse 4: I Need Money to Buy a HomeThe place to start is the Mortgages 101 page at About Banking. You’ll find out how to get the best mortgage for that home of your dreams.
Verse 5: I Need Money to Fund my BusinessEntrepreneurs can accomplish anything with the right funding. Start your search for seed money at the small business loan section.
Verse 6: I Need Money for Home ImprovementA lot of homeowners use home equity loans to fund home improvement projects. It’s a good way to get a lot of money at a decent rate.
Verse 7: I Need Money to Pay Other DebtsSome borrowers benefit from a debt consolidation program. Of course, these only shift your debt – they don’t eliminate it. Nevertheless these programs can help.
Verse 8: None of the Above, I Still Need Money!Whatever it is you want to buy, there’s a good chance you can borrow for it somehow. Person to person lending, also known as P2P or peer to peer lending, may be a solution for you.

Kid's guide to divorce

Do you know someone whose parents are divorced? Are your parents divorced? Chances are that you can answer yes to one - or maybe both - of those questions. And you are not alone!
Read on to find out what divorce is and what you can do to help your family, your friends, or yourself when people get divorced.
What Is Divorce?
A divorce happens after a husband and wife decide they can't live together anymore and no longer want to be married. They agree to sign legal papers that make them each single again and allow them to marry other people if they want to.
Although that may sound simple, it's not easy for a husband and wife to decide to end a marriage. Often they spend a long time trying to solve problems before deciding to divorce. But sometimes they just can't fix the problems and decide that a divorce is the best solution.
Sometimes both parents want to divorce, and sometimes one wants to and the other one doesn't. Usually, both parents are disappointed that their marriage can't last, even if one wants a divorce more than the other.
Many kids don't want their parents to divorce. Some kids have mixed feelings about it, especially if they know their parents weren't happy together. Some kids may even feel relieved when parents divorce, especially if there's been a lot of fighting between parents during the marriage.
It's really important for kids to know that just because parents divorce each other, they're not divorcing their kids. Some kids think that if their parents are divorcing, it means their moms and dads will want to leave them, too.
Although it's true that the kid of a divorced couple usually lives with only one parent most of the time, the parent who lives somewhere else is still that kid's mom or dad - forever. That will never change.
Kids Can't Cause Divorce!
There are many reasons why people divorce. Maybe they've grown apart. Maybe the love they once had for each other has changed. Maybe they fight and just can't agree about things. Every couple has their own reasons for divorce. Whatever the reasons are, one thing is for sure: Kids don't cause divorce.
Still, many children of divorced parents believe they are the reason their mom and dad got divorced. They think that if only they had behaved better, gotten better grades, or helped more around the house, the divorce wouldn't have happened. But this isn't true. Divorce is between moms and dads only!
Even if you once heard your parents argue about you, or your friend next door thinks his parents broke up because he got in trouble at school, these things don't cause a husband and wife to end their marriage. You may feel you're to blame for your parents' divorce, but you are not the cause. And the fact that your parents decide not to stay married is not your fault.
Kids Can't Fix Divorce!
Just like the divorce is not the kid's fault, getting parents back together is not up to the kid, either. And most likely, this doesn't happen, although plenty of kids wish for it and even try things they think might work. Acting like an angel at home all the time (who can do that?) and getting straight As at school (another hard thing to do) may make your mom and dad happy with you, but it doesn't mean they'll get back together.
The opposite is also true. Getting in trouble so your mom and dad will have to get together to talk about these problems is not going to make the divorce go away, either. So, just be yourself and try to talk to your parents about any feelings you have.
But I Feel Like My Whole World Just Fell Apart!
If your family is going through a divorce or you're helping a friend through it, there are a few important things about feelings you need to remember. First of all, it's normal to feel lots of different things, including anger, fear, and sadness.
Second, even though it may seem like your whole world just fell apart, with time, things will be better again. Your life might be a bit different, but the pieces will come back together again - maybe even sooner than you think.
Meanwhile, there are ways you can deal with the feelings you have. If you are really mad, you can punch your pillow, kick some empty boxes, go hit a baseball, or run for as long and as fast as you can. But never take your feelings out on another person.
Telling someone how you feel can also help. If you feel really angry, say so. Talking is much better than keeping your feelings to yourself or acting all grouchy and irritable.
Sometimes just talking to someone else is a big relief. Try simply saying, "I'm so angry (or sad or worried) about my parents getting divorced! It really upsets me!" When the person who's listening can say something back to you like, "No wonder you feel that way, I totally understand why you do," it can help you feel even better. Sometimes that's all the talking someone needs to do.
Sometimes it's just the beginning of many more conversations you'll have. Talk to a parent. Or, if that doesn't feel right, find someone else you really like to talk to, maybe your brother or sister, a teacher, school counselor, neighbor, or grandparent. It's tough to let it out, but it can really help.
If you have a friend whose parents are divorcing, try to be a good listener when your friend wants to talk. Divorce is never easy.
Sometimes the feelings kids have about their parents' divorce are so strong that kids have a hard time concentrating on anything else. When kids are very sad, mad, or worried, they may have trouble paying attention in class, focusing on homework, or even remembering what they've just read. If this happens, it's especially important to get some help.
Kids may feel much better after talking to a therapist, counselor, or social worker. These adults are trained to talk with people about their problems and help with feelings that are too intense. There are also support groups in schools and other places in the community where kids can get to know other kids whose parents have divorced or are divorcing and talk about how it affects them. There are also lots of books about divorce written just for kids.
Life After Divorce
When parents divorce, usually one parent moves out of the house and lives somewhere else. Some kids spend part of the time living with one parent and part of the time living with the other. Other kids live mostly with one parent and visit the other. If this is the case for you, it may seem strange at first to be visiting your own parent, but you may even start to enjoy a little time away from your everyday house. And it can feel good knowing you have two homes where someone loves you.
If you live mostly with one parent, the other parent might live close to you or far away. How often you can visit might depend partly on where everyone lives. Some kids whose parents get divorced have to move to a new home or a new neighborhood, and that can be tough, too. Often (besides the divorce that is the major change) most other things - like your school, friends, and neighborhood - will be the same.
When To Speak Up
Sometimes problems come up when kids visit one parent and then go home to the other. For example, one parent might ask a lot of questions about stuff the other parent is doing. Sometimes a parent wants the kid to be a messenger between homes. Kids usually feel uncomfortable when this sort of thing happens. They wish that parents would just ask each other what they want to know.
Kids don't want to feel like they are in the middle. If something like this happens to you, talk to your parents and tell them how it makes you feel.
The Future
Wouldn't you like to know what will happen in the future? For a kid of a divorced family, it may mean stepfamilies someday. Don't expect everything to go smoothly all the time.
It can be really hard dealing with divorce, but try to remember that lots of kids go through what you're going through, and usually everything and everyone turns out fine. In fact - as bad as things might seem right now - you just might be surprised at how good the future turns out to be!

How to be happy Alone

Things You’ll Need:
quiet space
optimistic outlook
Step1 find something hobby (reading, exercise)something that you find not other peoples interests, that you would enjoy and pursue itat your own speed .
Step2 avoid becoming trapped by making too many commitments, and becoming too caught up in things that you feel that sapyour energy, not to say become idle or lazy but find thetime to do what you enjoy
Step3 always have a willingness or desire to learn ,something new changeis often challenging, but after the attempt to change has beendone you will feel you have least tried to do something different,and new.Do not, I repeat Do not become disheartened disappointmentis a part of ever day life accept it and go past it

Liver Cancer Symtoms

These symptoms may be caused by swelling of the liver. These and other symptoms may be caused by adult primary liver cancer or by other conditions. A doctor should be consulted if any of the following problems occur:A hard lump on the right side just below the rib cage.Discomfort in the upper abdomen on the right side.Pain around the right shoulder blade.Unexplained weight loss.Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes).Unusual tiredness.Nausea.Loss of appetite.

Pancreatic Cancer Symptoms

Pancreatic Cancer Symptoms
Many times there is a delay in diagnosing pancreatic cancer because the symptoms are also associated with many other illnesses. The symptoms experienced do not specify or exactly indicate the disease. Soem doctors may feel the symptoms are caused by other illnesses.It is known that at least 50% of pancreatic cancer patients experience jaundice, a yellowing of the skin. Pancreatic cancer symptoms also experienced include:
Weight loss
Glucose intolerance
Abdominal discomfort or painWhen the pancreas produce too much insulin, other symptoms such as chills, diarrhea, general feeling of weakness, and muscle spasms may be experienced.Keep in mind that these pancreatic cancer symptoms are also specific to many other illnesses. Please see a physician if you are experiencing anything abnormal for you, mentally or physically.

How to find Cell Phone numbers

It can be quite frustrating if you need to find someone's cell phone number. Cell phone records are not public information and are protected by privacy laws. Because of this, cell phone number directories have only been accessible by law enforcement and licensed investigators. There was a time, when your only option to find someone's cell phone number was to hire a private investigator, and that could cost you $70-$150 just to find a cell phone number. However, new privacy laws have allowed cell phone numbers to be released under certain stipulations between private cell phone directories. Now you can find a cell phone number without having to go to a private investigator.The good news is that you can find someone's cell phone number today using a cell phone directory such as the National Cellphone Number Registry. The bad news is that you will need to pay a small fee for cell phone directory access. Cell phone numbers are still not publicly released by cellular phone carriers but at least you are now able to access the same private cell phone directories as as law enforcement and private investigators.

The National Cellphone Number Registry is the best place to find someone's cell phone number, and they also let you reverse lookup cell phone numbers to find the cell phone number owner's name and address. Reverse cell phone directories are handy if you need to know who a cell phone number belongs to but I would rather recommend for cheap cell phone reverse lookups.

How to have a beautiful skin

The older you are, the more important it is to get started with a quality skin care regimen right away. Most cleansers, makeup, and other beauty products are full of harsh synthetic chemicals that may be harmful to skin. Natural solutions for healthy skin care are better for you, support a cleaner environment and natural techniques work at least as well.
The older you are, the more important it is to get started with a quality skin care regimen right away. Here is three things you can do to make your skin start looking beautiful today.
Use these 3 Simple Steps Everyday
1. Cleanse Daily - but gently. Too many professional skin care products strip your facial skin of the natural elements it needs to keep your skin soft and supple. Using a mild cleanser with a very light, delicate scent that won’t leave your face feeling tight and dry after washing is a basic way to leave you glowing all day.
2. Exfoliate Your Face Daily - Many exfoliating products can be too harsh to use daily, but there are many excellent products that give you gentle exfoliating for your face that can be used daily. There are some great natural skin care products that are used at night before bed, which not only exfoliate the grime and pollution of the day from your delicate facial skin, they also moisturize, soften, and supplement your body’s collagen and antioxidant production.
3. Moisturize Daily - Use a dry skin care anti aging lotion each morning after cleansing. Excellent high quality moisturizers not only replace vital moisture in your face that leaves it feeling very soft and smooth, but it will also supplement the antioxidants your skin needs to stay looking healthy and young. If you use an SPF of 25, it will also help protect your face from sun damage throughout the day. This moisturizer goes on with a wonderfully light feeling, and you’ll actually start seeing results from it within minutes.
More facial skin care tips on how to have beautiful skin
Most cleansers, makeup, and other beauty products are full of harsh synthetic chemicals that may be harmful to skin. Natural solutions for healthy skin care are better for you, support a cleaner environment and natural techniques work at least as well.
Essential oils are some of nature’s best helpers in almost every aspect of health. Many times more potent than dried herbs, essential oils contain all the healing properties of a plant in a very concentrated form. For this reason, they are best used in tiny amounts and are often diluted for skin care.
Sea salt is the world’s most mineral-rich exfoliant. The minerals in sea water are known to nourish and heal skin. The same minerals can be found in unprocessed, mineral-rich sea salt, and the coarseness of salt makes it a perfect exfoliant. Try the following whole-body sea salt scrub.
- 1 Cup Sea Salt
- 2 Tablespoons Apricot or Almond Oil
- 5-6 Drops Peppermint Essential Oil
1. Put salt in a bowl and add the oils.
2. Mix well.
3. Store in covered container until ready to use.
This recipe is best used in the shower after washing. Rub a small handful of the salt scrub all over your body in brisk circular motions. Afterwards, use a moisturizing anti aging skin care product.
Fatty oils restore skin’s moisture and flexibility. Part of the benefit of the salt scrub recipe is the apricot or almond oil it contains, which leaves a nice glow and moisture in the skin.
Using an oil cleansing method, surprisingly, is a simple and effective way to clean your face. Using olive oil, castor oil, and hot water leaves a lasting glow. Fatty vegetable oils can be used as moisturizers, makeup remover, cleansers if you want to stay all natural.
Do you know how to have beautiful skin?
In summary it’s not enough to get a facial to keep your skin clear and beautiful. You need to have a great home skin-care routine.
1. Get a professional facial to deep cleanse your skin at least four times a year, as the seasons change. Every 4-6 weeks is ideal.
2. Throw away the soap and use quality skin care products that are right for your skin type.
3. Wear sunscreen, even on cloudy days and in the winter. Use a good quality, high-SPF sunscreen. Sun damage is the single most important cause of premature aging.
4. Cut out skin-damaging habits like smoking, excessive drinking , and tanning booths.

How to save GAS

Stay within posted speed limits. The faster you drive, the more fuel you use.
Use overdrive gears. Overdrive gears improve the fuel economy of your car during highway driving.
Use cruise control. Using cruise control on highway trips can help you maintain a constant speed and, in most cases, reduce your fuel consumption.
Anticipate driving situations. If you anticipate traffic conditions and do not tailgate, you can avoid unnecessary braking and acceleration, and improve your fuel economy by five to 10 percent.
Avoid unnecessary idling. Turn off the engine if you anticipate a lengthy wait. No matter how efficient your car is, unnecessary idling wastes fuel, costs you money and pollutes the air.
Combine errands. Several short trips taken from a cold start can use twice as much fuel as one trip covering the same distance when the engine is warm.
Remove excess weight from the trunk. Avoid carrying unneeded items, especially heavy ones. An extra 100 pounds in the trunk reduces a typical car's fuel economy by one to two percent.
Keep your engine tuned. Studies have shown that a poorly tuned engine can increase fuel consumption by as much as 10 to 20 percent depending on a car's condition.
Keep your tires properly inflated and aligned. Underinflated tires cause fuel consumption to increase by six percent.
Change your oil. Clean oil reduces wear caused by friction between moving parts and removes harmful substances from the engine.
Check and replace air filters regularly. Your car's air filter keeps impurities in the air from damaging internal engine components. Clogged filters can cause up to a 10 percent increase in fuel consumption.
Buy only the octane level gas you need. Remember, the higher the octane, the higher the price. Check your owner's manual to determine the right octane level for your car.
Own a fuel efficient vehicle. The difference between a car that gets 20 MPG and one that gets 30 MPG amounts to $1,500 over five years.

How to improve your credit score

Budget blog Wise Bread discusses financial products and deals that almost everyone should avoid, and at least one of them has been offered to likely every single reader of this blog—store-branded credit cards, often with a same-day savings pitch. But even if you pay off that purchase the minute you arrive home, it's generally a bad idea:
Do not be enticed to sign up for these cards even if the store gives you 30% off on the day you sign up ... These are different from a cobranded credit card that can be used anywhere. An example of a co-branded credit card is the Costco Amex Card, which can be used outside of Costco. Co-branded cards generally have better rates and better internal controls than store specific cards.As noted by, each store card opened automatically knocks 20 points off your credit score, making a discount on one sweater not as appealing. Hit the link for five more items to keep your distance from.

Home Refinancing

Home mortgage refinance can be a sound financial decision in many circumstances. This is especially the case when interest rates are attractive. There are several factors that should be considered when making the decision to refinance; however.
When you first purchased your home and took out your mortgage, you probably looked at interest rates, terms and fees. When you decide to take advantage of a home mortgage refinance, you need to consider these factors as well as a few others. For example, you should take into consideration the amount of money that is left remaining on the balance of your mortgage. This is important because ultimately the amount of money you will be able to refinance will be based on the amount of money that you have paid toward your mortgage and the amount of money that is left remaining.
You should also take into consideration the amount of time that you have paid on your existing mortgage. If you only have five years left on your mortgage, it may not make good financial sense to refinance because you would be extending the payment on your mortgage beyond that time frame in most cases. Unless you are facing dire circumstances, it would usually be best to remain in the first mortgage. If; however, you have more than five years left on your mortgage there are numerous advantages to a home mortgage refinance including the ability to tap into your equity and lower monthly mortgage payments.
You should also make sure you check your credit rating before you pursue refinancing your home. As you are probably aware, your credit rating had a tremendous impact on your ability to qualify for your first mortgage. The same can be said of a home mortgage refinance. To get the best rates possible, you wan to make sure that your credit report is accurate.
Many people make the decision to refinance their mortgages because they are either having a difficult financial time or they want to pay off higher interest bills with a lower interest home equity loan. A home mortgage refinance can be a good solution which will allow you to consolidate all of those bills into a single loan with a lower interest rate. You will be able to save money each month and then start with a fresh clean financial slate.
Additionally, to be certain that you receive the most benefits from refinancing your home, make sure that you take the time to shop around for the best rates. Take the time to research current interest rates so that you will know whether you are being offered a good deal or not.
Also, be sure to compare the costs associated with a home mortgage refinance. Even though one lender may be offering what appears to be a lower interest rate, if they are charging you more in closing costs to refinance your mortgage, it may not be as good of a deal as it first appears to be. By taking the time to do your research, consider your reasons for refinancing and shopping around to compare rates, costs and terms, you can be certain to take advantage of the best benefits offered by refinancing.

Foreclosure in their homes

California Foreclosure Relief Bill Passed and Governor Indicates He Will Sign It
Many Provisions Take Effect Immediately—More Action on Predatory Lending Needed as Loan Modifications Increase in State
By Frank D. Russo
Yesterday was a busy news day for homeowners with failing subprime mortgages. The legislature, the Department of Corporations, and consumer groups were all out in front with newsworthy items.
The California Senate sent Senator Don Perata's foreclosure legislation (SB 1137), coauthored by Assembly Speaker Karen Bass and other Democrats, to Governor Schwarzenegger on a 32-8 vote with all Democrats in support, joined by 7 Senate Republicans. All eight votes in the Senate against it were cast by Republicans.
On Tuesday, it passed the California State Assembly on a 55 to 18 vote, just one vote above the two-thirds majority it required. Ten Republican Assemblymembers joined 45 of the 48 Democrats in voting for the bill, while all 18 votes against it came from Republican Assemblymembers. All the no votes were cast despite the fact that the bill has enjoyed broad support and has no known opposition.
The bill would reform the foreclosure process in California, requiring servicers to contact borrowers (or engage in a prescribed process to do so) to schedule telephone or in-person meetings on restructuring options before beginning the foreclosure process, giving tenants living in foreclosed properties additional time before eviction and requires foreclosed properties to be properly maintained. The legislation will take effect immediately upon the governor’s signature, though provisions requiring servicers to contact borrowers before starting the foreclosure process will have a 60-day implementation period before it goes into effect.
SB 1137 also mandates maintenance of foreclosed properties to diminish the impact on the value of neighboring homes. The legislation is an urgency measure, meaning it will become law once the Governor signs it, and that is why a two-thirds vote was needed in each house.
This is an important and much needed step to helping borrowers, renters and communities.
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger immediately issued the following statement, reflecting that he is going to sign SB 1137:
“We need many tools to help Californians through this housing crisis, and this bipartisan legislation provides one more tool by giving borrowers the critical time needed before a foreclosure begins to work with their lenders and stay in their homes. We all benefit when families are able to remain in their homes, so I continue to encourage both borrowers and lenders to communicate and work together because it allows Californians to hold on to the American Dream of owning a home.”
Assembly Speaker Bass said: “Too many people were asleep at the switch or looking the other way as the subprime lending crisis unfolded – we’re not about to add the California Legislature to the list of those who could have mitigated this crisis and didn’t. This bill provides real world relief to responsible homeowners caught up in the foreclosure cycle.”Perata, President pro Tem of the Senate, implied that this bill is only part of the solution, saying: “SB 1137 will make a difference right away. This legislation is an important piece of the puzzle of how to best protect California homeowners and communities from the fallout from the nation’s mortgage crisis.”
As we reported on Tuesday: "One week ago, the Senate Banking Committee gutted or killed all but one of those mortgage-related bills, with only AB 529 from Assemblymember Alberto Torrico (D-Fremont) making it out in its original form; his bill would require lenders to provide notice to borrowers regarding interest rate resets. AB 1830, sponsored by Assemblymember Ted Lieu (D-Torrance) and originally named the Subprime Lending Reform Act, was completely gutted and in its current version merely directs California legislators to enforce weak federal laws.
“This bill is an important step toward providing relief to borrowers in trouble right now, renters and communities facing increasing blight as a result of foreclosures," said Paul Leonard, director of the California office of the Center for Responsible Lending, a research and advocacy organization dedicated to ending abusive financial practices, "but the next order of business should to be to restore the Assembly legislation that would also protect borrowers in the future."
Our article lists many of these bills that are needed.
The state Department of Corporations (DOC) also announced yesterday that the number of loan modifications in California increased dramatically in the months of April and May over January, meaning state action to work with lenders is helping Californians find more workable loans and keep their homes.
And the California Reinvestment Coalition (CRC) released its third survey of housing counseling agencies statewide in Stockton yestersay. CRC's survey underscores the DOC's data: foreclosures are all too common, reductions in loan principal are not happening and loan modifications are not made for the long-term. CRC's report also reminds us of quite possibly the most compelling victims of all: renters of foreclosed properties. This summary of the bill, described as the “Perata/Bass Mortgage Bill,” and information on home foreclosures in California was provided by Senator Perata’s office: SB 1137 – Perata/Bass Mortgage Relief BillThis bill was passed is an urgency measure that provides immediate relief to homeowners and tenants whose properties are in foreclosure. The law takes effect once it is signed by the Governor. Lenders will be required to have contact with homeowners to explore options to avoid foreclosure. This provision takes effect 60 days after the measure becomes law. Tenants will get notice (in 6 different languages) once a notice of sale has been posted on a property. This provision takes effect 60 days after the measure becomes law. The bill increases the current notice required to be given to residential tenants of foreclosed properties to from 30 days to 60 days prior to eviction. Locals can impose $1,000-per-day fine on financial institutions who don't maintain vacant properties if problems are not fixed within 30 days. “Failure to maintain” includes failure to adequately care for the exterior of the property including but not limited to, permitting excessive foliage growth that diminishes the value of surrounding properties, failure to take action to prevent trespassers or squatters from remaining on the property, or failing to prevent mosquito larva from growing in standing water. The bill limits the scope of the contact requirement so it only applies to loans made between January 1, 2003 and December 31, 2007, when most of the loans that are causing the problems we face today were made. As a result of negotiations, all opposition has been eliminated, including from the California Bankers Association and the California Mortgage Bankers Association, who are now neutral on the bill Supporters of the measure include ACORN, Consumers Union, Center for Responsible Lending, California Reinvestment Society, California Labor Federation AFL-CIO and the Western Center on Law and Poverty.Foreclosures continue to grow across California. In May, the most recent month available for statistics, California lead the nation with 71,930 foreclosure filings. Of the nation’s 10 worst cities for foreclosure filings, seven are in California, with Stockton at the top of the list. One in every 75 homes received a foreclosure filing in Stockton in the month of May. The other California cities in the nation’s top 10 for foreclosures in May were Merced, Modesto, Riverside-San Bernardino, Vallejo-Fairfield, Bakersfield and Sacramento. Governor Schwarzenegger released this laundry list of actions he has taken to help Californians in the mortgage crisis:
Led efforts urging Congress and the Bush Administration to raise federal loan limits. Last fall, the Governor sent a letter calling on Congress to increase those limits and sent a similar letter again earlier this year. After Congress and the President approved a temporary increase, the Governor asked them to make the increase permanent. In February, the Governor met with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary in Washington D.C. to reiterate the importance of a permanent loan limit increase.• Announced $69.5 million in permanent low-interest loans from the Proposition 1C housing bonds to jumpstart 14 affordable multi-family projects up and down the state, helping more than 1,000 California families and individuals realize the dream of an affordable rental home.
Announced more than $72 million in federal HOME Investment Partnerships Program funds to provide assistance to first-time homebuyers, reduce the number of bank owned homes and increase the number of rental properties.
Joined the OneCalifornia Foundation to announce a bridge loan fund for homeowners facing foreclosure in Oakland.
Launched a $1.2 million public awareness campaign to help educate homeowners about options that can help them avoid losing their homes to foreclosures.• Announced an agreement with major loan servicers to streamline the loan modification process for subprime borrowers living in their homes.• Signed legislation to increase protections for Californians who own or plan to purchase homes and to expand affordable housing opportunities.
• Issued new regulations to protect borrowers, which requires lenders to consider a borrower’s ability to repay at the higher reset interest rate and mandates closer scrutiny of risk features such as interest only payments, reduced documentation and simultaneous second liens.
• Established the Interdepartmental Task Force on Non-traditional Mortgages to ensure a comprehensive and coordinated approach to the issues raised by subprime loans.
For an indication of additional action that needs to be taken and the devastating impact the subprime mortgage mess has had on California, its people, communities, and the state budget, check out our articles on Responsible Lending. Posted on July 03, 2008

Want to loose weight

Despite what you may think, losing weight isn't a mysterious process. In fact, weight loss doesn't even have to involve strange diets, special exercises or even the 'magic' of pills or fitness gadgets. Want the secret to weight loss? Make small changes each and every day and you'll slowly (but surely) lose those extra pounds.
Rules of Weight Loss
To lose one pound, you must burn approximately 3500 calories over and above what you already burn doing daily activities. Whew...that sounds impossible doesn't it? Here's how it works.
Calculate your BMR (basal metabolic rate). Your BMR is what your body needs to maintain normal functions like breathing, digestion, etc.
Calculate your activity level. Use a calorie calculator to figure out how many calories you burn while sitting, standing, exercising, lifting weights, etc. throughout the day.
Keep track of how many calories you eat. Use a food journal to add up what you eat and drink during the day. If you're eating less calories than you're burning, you'll lose weight.
Example:Mary's BMR is 1400 calories and she burns 900 calories in daily activity. To maintain her weight, she should be eating 2300 calories but, after keeping a food journal, Mary finds that she's eating 2550 calories every day. By eating 250 more calories than her body needs, Mary will gain one pound every 2 weeks.
This example shows how easy it is to gain weight without even knowing it. But it's also easy to lose weight. In fact, you can start losing weight right now by making a few simple changes. If you can burn an extra 500 calories each day, you'll lose a pound a week and you won't even have to change your clothes. Try these ideas:
Instead of....
Do this...
Having an afternoon Coke
Drink a glass of water. (calories saved: 97)
Eating an Egg McMuffin
Eat a small whole wheat bagel +1 tbls of peanut butter (calories saved: 185)
Using your break to catch up on work or eat a snack
Walk up and down a flight of stairs for 10 minutes (calories burned: 100)
Hitting the snooze button
Get up 10 minutes early and go for a brisk walk (calories burned: 100)
Watching television after work
Do 10 minutes of yoga (calories burned: 50)Total Calories Saved: 532 (based on a 140-lb person)Focusing on daily changes is the best way to reach your goals. No, you won't lose weight overnight but isn't it better to permanently change your life for the better? Say it with me: My Health Is More Important Than My Appearance. Repeat that 10 times a day and you're on your way to better health.

How to make yourself look young

Knowing how to choose makeup and apply it are not tidbits of knowledge that every woman is born with. Some women avoid makeup simply because they were frustrated by previous attempts to purchase or apply it. Makeup can be a wonderful way to accentuate your inner beauty and help you feel better about yourself.Did you know that wearing the wrong makeup can actually make you look years older and that certain makeup application techniques help you appear slimmer? We all believe we still look 18, until we look in the mirror and are shocked by the face staring back at us. That Freshman 15, those ten stubborn pounds of baby weight, years of senseless sun exposure and tiny laugh lines all transform that smiling, girlish face into one we hardly recognize at times. While no makeup on Earth can miraculously make you look like a teen again, there are a few tips that can help you discover how to choose makeup that makes you look and feel your best.Fun In the Sun
That sun-kissed, healthy glow that comes from spending time outdoors or in the tanning bed is wonderful. What isn't so wonderful is the damage that UV exposure leaves behind. Wrinkles, sun spots, uneven skin tone and dryness can all add years to your face. Knowing how to choose makeup that disguise these problem areas help, but prevention is still the best medicine.Never leave the house without sunscreen on your face. Facial skin is very delicate and must be protected year round from UV exposure, even on overcast days. If you choose to go without foundation, at least apply a moisturizer that contains sunscreen.

By mixing a small amount of foundation with your moisturizer, you can get a sheer, healthy boost to your complexion. Liquid bronzers are another great way to achieve a sunny glow without damaging your skin. Have fun in the sun, but protect your skin.Choose The Right Foundation
Choosing the right foundation can be especially problematic. Getting the makeup to match your natural skin tone can seem nearly impossible. Most women will need a foundation that has either neutral or cooler undertones. Those warm, honey colors may look tempting in the bottle but they can make your complexion appear unnatural.A few women have warm undertones to their skin. These women often have red hair and look best in clothes that are golden or yellow based. They can wear warm gold and apple green chartreuse without their pores glowing a sickly hue. They even get compliments when wearing the colors that most women avoid at all costs.Matching a foundation closely to your skin tone is fairly simple. Apply a small dab to the underside of your forearm or the back of your hand and blend it in well. If the edges fade seamlessly into your bare skin and the covered skin appears natural yet flawless, you've found your match! When applying the foundation to your face, be sure to blend it into your jaw line and neck. You may even want to apply the foundation to the back of your neck if you are planning on wearing your hair up or have a shorter hairstyle. Don't forget to blend well around your hairline and ears as well to provide a natural looking finish.

Cover Up Those Lines, Don't Highlight Them!
Wearing a heavy foundation can sometimes draw attention to fine lines and wrinkles as the day wears on by settling into creases instead of smoothing over them. Setting your foundation with a dusting of translucent powder can prevent this.If you are fond of a powder foundation, be sure to apply a good moisturizer first and wait several minutes before applying your foundation. This allows the moisturizer to be absorbed by your skin and helps plump fine lines. Allowing the moisturizer to dry before applying your powder foundation will help provide a smooth, even application, without caking powder into lines and wrinkles.Proper skin care is one of the most important aspects of good makeup application. Using a quality cleanser, toner and moisturizer each day will help improve the condition of your skin and provide a naturally beautiful canvas for your makeup.Go Matte as You Age
Shimmer eye shadows and blushes are fun and provide a nice change from time to time, but they are not favorable to aging skin. Glitter tends to settle into fine lines and creases. They reflect light and draw attention to wrinkles. Matte colors are better suited for older skin. You can still go with a little glitz from time to time, just apply glittery shades sparingly.Have You Lost Weight?
Do you want to take a few pounds off of your face? Don't we all? By applying a few subtle strokes of a natural colored blush in the right places, you can look thinner instantly. Apply the blush lightly just above your cheekbones, pulling the brush downwards and letting in fall off of your face as your cheeks curve, avoiding the round balls of your cheeks.
Apply a few light strokes just above each brow bone, across the tip of your nose and your chin for a balanced, healthy, subtle glow.Are you troubled by a little extra padding under your chin? Applying a neutral colored blush down both sides of your neck can help create a few artificial shadows that will give the appearance of a slimmer neck. This is a great way to shave off a few pounds, instead of pulling on a turtleneck sweater or layering necklaces to try to hide your plump chin.Get That Well Rested Look
Dark circles can add years to your face. Getting plenty of sleep, drinking lots of water and avoiding allergens can help decrease the occurrence of these unsightly under eye blemishes. If swelling accompanies your circles, witch hazel can help give you an instant eye lift. Ironically, hemorrhoid pads contain witch hazel and can be used to reduce eye puffiness, just don't get too close to your eyes.A light purple concealer can quickly eradicate dark smudges and give you a well rested appearance. It is important to apply under eye makeup with care. The skin under the eyes is especially fragile and thin. Use a sponge to apply makeup with gentle dabs and blend lightly without pulling on the skin.Still need a quick pick me up for your face? Using white eyeliner on your inner eyelids can help give you that wide-eyed, well rested look. Applying a dab of light colored eye shadow to the middle of your lower lid and sweeping it across your brow bone can also make your eyes appear more open and youthful.
Keeping Your Look Fresh
Every season, new colors that claim to be the latest trend in makeup are introduced. By updating your makeup collection twice a year, in the spring and the fall, you can keep your makeup form appearing dated. Browse the cosmetic aisles and look for displays that showcase seasonal collections. Choose one or two colors that appeal to you. They may only be a shade or two different from what you normally wear, but the updated hue will give your look a refreshing change.These few tips can help you take the mystery out of how to choose makeup that helps you look and feel your best. While nature may not always be kind as we age, it is possible to age gracefully and trick Father Time a little by knowing how to apply a few strokes of makeup to minimize the signs of aging.Are You a Makeup Maven or a Makeup Mishap?
Most women experiment with makeup beginning in their adolescence, which means they should have plenty of time to figure out which products and techniques work best for their face. However, some women never learn, and perhaps you are one of these makeup offenders. Find out now if the foundation of your makeup knowledge is well-blended, or caking under layers of bad makeup habits.

Skin Whitening Pills

Have you ever wondered how comes so many Black, Asianand Indian celebrities are all very light skinned? Have you wondered why early childhood photos of many top celebs show a much darker skin colour than they have now?
The official research program for " Whitening Pills" was launched on 7 august 1961by a group of specialized clinical researchers headed by a leading figure in the dermatology research field in Japan. Research for "Skin Whitening" was undertaken with the aim of creating a product that would help dark-skinned individuals to attain a lighter and fairer complexion tone, without using any chemical bleaching agents such as Hydroquinone, which may cause skin irritations that might result in edema, erythema and desquamation.
Indications: Slows down the production of melanocytes which is responsible for the production of melanin pigments giving us skin color.Benefits: Whitens overall complexion evenly including dark underarms and bikini line area.
It is also very good for acne and clears away all pigment marks.

Acne how to cure it

Aromatherapy and You! Tea Tree OilTea Tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia), also known as Melaleuca oil or Ti Tree OilTea tree oil is a truly amazing essential oil. It is antiseptic, antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal. Tea tree oil is an effective immune stimulant. It is a mild pain reliever - analgesic - when applied to a fresh wound or minor burn. You may be thinking that this oil is just too good to be true! Well - put it this way - I would not be without a bottle of tea tree oil in the house. Brief History
The Melaleuca tree or bush is a plant native to New South Wales, Australia. It has been used by the indigenous population of Australia for thousands of years. The plant was named tea tree after Captain James Cook set foot on the shores of Australia back in 1770. The story goes that Cook brewed up a tea from the leaves of the Melaleuca tree. Sir Joseph Banks, the botanist accompanying Cook on his voyage, collected samples of the leaf from several species of Melaleuca to study on his return to England. Please note that the therapeutic essential oil comes from only one of the hundreds of Melaleuca plants - specifically Melaleuca alternifolia.Research was conducted in the early 20th Century into the effectiveness of tea tree oil as an antiseptic and disinfectant. In 1933 the British Medical Journal published a report stating that tea tree oil was a powerful disinfectant, non-poisonous and non-irritant. In 1930 the Australian Medical Journal reported extremely good results when using tea tree oil to treat everything from septic wounds to scar regeneration. The report stated that the oil dissolved pus, leaving wounds clean without any apparent damage to the tissues. In 1937 the same journal noted that blood, pus or other organic matter actually increased the antiseptic properties of tea tree oil by about 10-12%. In 1955 the United States Dispensatory stated that tea tree oil was actively germicidal, with an antiseptic action 11 to 13 times that of carbolic acid (also known as phenol, a commonly used antiseptic that is toxic and an irritant). The Australian government included bottles of tea tree oil in the first aid kits of soldiers serving in the tropical regions during the second world war.
With the invention of synthetic chemicals, natural substances such as tea tree oil have frequently been overlooked during the second half of the 20th century. However, as you read on, you will find certain bacteria and the like are becoming resistant to current treatments or that the treatments have toxic side effects, and people are starting to turn back to these natural substances. And researchers are once again looking into the effectiveness of Melaleuca alternifolia - tea tree oil.Is It Safe?Now we know that just because something is natural doesn't mean it is necessarily safe. Think of the deadly poisons in some plants. So, how do we know tea tree oil is safe?We are lucky that there has been and continues to be research carried out on Melaleuca alternifolia. Four medical journal reports are noted above and many reports have been published since 1985 to the present. Further research is being carried out by hospitals, noted scientists, and by a research team set up by an Australian University.Research so far (as well as anecdotal evidence) shows tea tree oil to be an effective and powerful antiseptic, disinfectant, antifungal, antibiotic and antiviral substance, while displaying no harmful side effects when used appropriately.Uses
The following is a lengthy but not exhaustive list of uses of tea tree oil. You may look at it and think that tea tree oil must be just another quack claim of a cure all. But keep in mind that it is the properties of tea tree oil - antiviral, antibiotic, antiseptic, antifungal, and so on - which bring about the effects. Thus, the antiviral property will ensure that tea tree oil works on fungal infections on the skin (eg athlete's foot) and the antibiotic property of tea tree will work on the hospital superbug. * Head or chest cold. I have effectively used tea tree oil to ward off an oncoming head or chest cold. It should be used at the first signs, however is effective in lessening symptoms, with the added benefit of ensuring that others do not catch the virus from you. Use the tea tree oil in an inhalation method or apply a few drops to a lotion and gently massage around the throat and chest area. * Sick Room Disinfectant. If there are others around you who are ill consider disinfecting the air in the home. Do this by dispersing the tea tree oil molecules in the air via a vaporizer, diffuser or aromatherapy lamp. Other methods - Add a few drops of tea tree oil to a handkerchief or tissue and breathe in the oil regularly throughout the day. Add a few drops of tea tree oil to your cleaning cloth or use tea tree oil based cleaners (tea tree oil is an excellent solvent). When washing the clothing and bed linen of the sick person, add a few drops of tea tree oil to the wash.* Acne. A tiny amount - less than a drop - applied directly to the spot can help clear the skin. The tea tree oil will also help heal the skin and prevent further breakouts. * Mouthwash. A few drops in water is an effective mouthwash and gargle.* Sore throat. Used as a gargle, the tea tree oil gets right to the spot to kill germs and help heal infected tissue. Use also for mouth ulcers.* Dental disease. Consistent use of tea tree oil based dental products along with appropriate nutritional products has been shown to be effective in mild to moderate cases of dental disease, preventing surgical intervention or use of antibiotics.* Hayfever / allergy / rhinitis (continual runny nose). I have used tea tree oil when I suffer from hayfever brought on by pollen, dust or mold spores. I combine using tea tree oil as a lotion around the throat and chest area with taking nutritional supplements and drinking water at the time of a hayfever attack. * I have heard that sprinkling a few drops of tea tree oil direct on the mattress before making up the bed with bedlinen can be effective in controlling mite spores which can bring on asthma. * Dandruff or dry scalp. These are two different scalp conditions but tea tree oil can work on both. I use a good quality tea tree oil based shampoo because of my dry scalp, which if left can become very itchy. Ensure the product you use is a quality one. Many brands can include an infinitesimal amount of tea tree oil but state it loud and clear as an ingredient on the label. This applies to other types of products as well - for example, skin care products that contains vitamins. Be consumer aware.* Dry skin / eczema / psoriasis / dermatitis. Continued use of tea tree oil based moisturizing lotions can counter these chronic skin conditions (along with nutritional and diet changes and stress management, depending upon what brings on the condition). Keep in mind that given the chronic nature of these skin conditions there will be no immediate "cure". Many prescribed products may bring about immediate relief but beware side effects and the rebound effect (condition worsens when medication stops, therefore back on the medication).A story from a customer, Pauline Hyland -"I was desperate for relief when I was introduced to [a tea tree oil based problem skin lotion]. I was suffering intermittent but distressing itching of the legs. It was particularly bad after showering. I tried everything including using no soap but nothing worked. At times I would scratch so much my skin would bleed. It didn't relieve the itch. I visited the Doctor about it but they could provide no remedy other than 'try everything until...'Once introduced to [this tea tree oil based problem skin lotion] I found relief and it is pleasant to use. Not too perfumed and not oily. I wouldn't like to be without it and find I can use it on my face as well. In the past I have suffered from eczema and many 'expensive' creams will bring on an attack but I find [this tea tree oil based product] causes no problems."* Minor burns. Use tea tree oil for a burn for both its analgesic (pain relieving) property and healing property. As usual, immediately following the burn run cold water over the burn for as long as possible, then apply the tea tree oil. If unable to access cold water or a cold pack, apply the tea tree oil straight away. Its antiseptic property will help protect from infection. After applying tea tree oil neat to the burn, cover with a tea tree based gel or ointment.* Cuts and scrapes. Again, use tea tree oil for its analgesic, antiseptic and healing properties. Use neat and follow up with a tea tree oil based gel or ointment.* Prevent or treat tinea (athlete's foot). If you like to go camping, backpacking or use gym showers, you may like to take a bottle of tea tree oil with you. Either rub a few drops over your feet or sprinkle the bottom of the shower area.* Insect bites. Apply neat to the insect bite to relieve pain and scratching or use a tea tree oil based gel or ointment.* Treatment (and preventative) for headlice. Researchers at the University of Massachusetts are looking at how head lice are quickly becoming resistant to current treatments and are investigating other methods of treatment.Alongside their research, they state that "natural chemicals called monoterpenoids, found in tea tree oil as well as lemon and orange oils, appear to "work very well" in killing the pests".Tea tree oil can be applied direct to the skin (in very small quantities - a few drops) but not lemon or orange essential oils which can irritate the skin. Neat tea tree oil may sting if applied direct to an irritated scalp.Always be aware of safety data - It is not recommended nor considered safe to use a large quantity of essential oil to treat a problem. A few drops is often all that is needed or recommended because of the concentrated nature of essential oils. Given the above note regarding tea tree oil and headlice, I must remind you to not use neat tea tree oil in any quantity greater than a few drops, particularly around children. Contact me if you would like more information on this matter.I do however thoroughly recommend using a good quality tea tree oil based shampoo for use with school aged children - mostly as a preventative. The tea tree oil based shampoo may act to repel the head lice in the first place. * Superbug buster. You will have heard that many bacteria are developing resistance to antibiotics. The Hospital Superbug - MRSA - methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus is an antibiotic-resistant strain of a bacterium that is common enough and likely to only cause an infection when patients have wounds or a weak immune system owing to illness or recent surgery. Where the microbe has acquired multiple resistance to antibiotics, it can flourish in tissue and bone unchecked and is also highly contagious.Research is being carried out in London, England, comparing tea tree oil with vancomycin, a powerful drug with toxic side effects. Such research is necessary as some strains of MRSA are now resistant to all antibiotics except vancomycin. Preliminary findings suggest that tea tree oil is both highly effective and safe, whereas vancomycin is toxic. have ensured that my elderly mother has very high quality tea tree oil and a few other tea tree oil based products in case she goes into hospital. And these products make great 'get well' gifts.* More uses - cold sores, warts, boils, nail infections, thrush, chicken pox sores (prevent scratching and scarring), apply after shaving or waxing, use as general boost to the immune system, muscular rub for aches and pains, disinfectant and solvent (cleaner).


Did you know glutathione is the most powerful, prevalent antioxidant in your body? Increasing your glutathione level will naturally increase your energy, detoxify your body and strengthen your immune system. provides the proper nutrients needed to promote the body's own ability to manufacture and absorb glutathione. Research has shown that individuals who have low levels of glutathione are susceptible to chronic illness. Research shows that GSH levels decline by 8% to 12% per decade, beginning at the age of 20. Levels of glutathione are further reduced by continual stress upon the immune system such as illness, infection, and environmental toxins. As we now know, a lowered immune system can bring about illness and disease. This is a ferocious cycle. While you need glutathione for a productive immune system, a weakened immune system hampers the production of glutathione. Supplements Containing Glutathione Alone Will NOT Increase The Body’s GSH Levels. It is pointless to purchase supplements that merely contain glutathione, because the digestive system breaks down ingested glutathione and it will not be absorbed into your system. also aids in liver support by destroying environmental poisons helping the liver to function as the main production site and storehouse for glutathione.